Ukraine FlashREPORT: The Tucker Carlson Interview

Tucker Carlson's Interview with Vladimir Putin FEB 2024

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Date: 9 FEB 2024
Analysts: Riley Team

Executive Summary

On Tuesday, February 7th, Tucker Carlson conducted an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which was subsequently published on the evening of February 8th. This interview occurred at a pivotal juncture, amid a stalemate in the US Congress regarding continued support for Ukraine, ongoing changes within the Ukrainian military and political leadership, and the initiation of another series of offensives by Russia in eastern Ukraine.

For Carlson, this interview presented a significant opportunity to enhance his visibility and promote his new media venture, established in the previous year. Conversely, for Vladimir Putin, the interview served as a strategic platform to disseminate the Kremlin's established and frequently utilized propaganda narratives, capitalizing on the timing to deliver these messages effectively.

Moreover, Putin aimed to subtly transmit subliminal messages through a novel "channel amplification" strategy, while revisiting the contentious historical and situational context and potential repercussions of what he persists in describing as "a special operation" in Ukraine, thereby aligning with the Kremlin's broader communication objectives.

In this concise report, we will provide an overview of the context in which the interview was conducted, highlight key points from the interview, and offer a brief analysis of the major findings. Finally, we will present our conclusions based on the information gathered.


The interview conducted by Mr. Tucker Carlson with Russian President Vladimir Putin represents a notable achievement for Mr. Carlson, marking a significant rebound following his high-profile departure from Fox News the previous year. Reports suggest that Mr. Carlson had fallen out of favor with Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan, leading to his exit from the network.

This interview served as a pivotal moment to enhance the visibility and prominence of his new media company, established in the preceding year, positioning it as a significant entity within the media landscape. Throughout his career, Mr. Carlson has not only emerged as a popular and charismatic presenter but has also sought to exert his considerable influence, shaping the conservative agenda and, by some extension, the Republican Party. His pattern of programming content is characterized by a mix of populist conservative views on topics such as immigration, crime, race, gender, sexuality, and a critique of "woke" ideology.

The decision by Mr. Tucker Carlson to secure an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin was a calculated move, aimed at enhancing his influence and consolidating his position as a prominent right-wing commentator supportive of former President Donald Trump. The BBC highlights the reciprocal advantages of this engagement, offering President Putin a seldom opportunity to communicate directly with Western audiences amid the highly managed and orchestrated nature of his media appearances following the commencement of the conflict in Ukraine. This interaction occurred at a pivotal moment, strategically advantageous for President Putin, facilitating the Kremlin's outreach to a wider, potentially receptive audience within the United States. This was particularly significant given the ongoing deliberations over the continuation of support for Ukraine, marking a crucial point in the geopolitical discourse and influencing the broader narrative surrounding the conflict.

Mr. Carlson's prior criticisms of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, characterized by derogatory language and his alignment with President Putin's promotion of "traditional values"—a position that encompasses discriminatory policies against the LGBT community in Russia—illustrate the nuanced nature of his perspectives.

Despite substantial criticism within the United States, including allegations by Mr. Carlson of interference from the U.S. Intelligence Community, both he and President Putin opted to continue with the interview, each pursuing their distinct agendas. This decision underlines the complex dynamics between media, politics, and international diplomacy in influencing public discourse.

The engagement between Mr. Carlson and President Putin, therefore, not only served their individual objectives, but also highlighted the significant role such media interactions play in the broader geopolitical landscape, particularly in the context of ongoing global tensions and debates.

Interview Analysis

The interview conducted by Mr. Tucker Carlson with Russian President Vladimir Putin served as a platform for disseminating narratives that align closely with the Kremlin's established practices of disinformation and historical revisionism, tailored to advance its strategic objectives. Throughout this engagement, President Putin reiterated numerous points that have been prominent within Russian political and media discourse, doing so with a directness and level of detail that underscored the intention to project a specific narrative. The initial half-hour provided a historical overview aimed at justifying the initiation of what the Kremlin refers to as the "special operation" in Ukraine, setting the stage for a discussion steeped in Russian perspectives on the conflict.

Significantly, the interview highlighted the Russian narrative that views Western military support for Ukraine as a major impediment to peace. President Putin elaborated on the concept of denazification in Ukraine, a rationale widely criticized for its lack of basis in fact and seen as a pretext for the invasion. Additionally, the conversation touched upon global issues and the future of humanity, areas where Putin's comments went largely unchallenged by Mr. Carlson. This lack of scrutiny allowed for an uninterrupted presentation of the Kremlin's viewpoint, rendering the interview notably one-sided.

It was evident that President Putin effectively directed and managed the flow of information throughout the dialogue. This approach starkly contrasts with the principles of authentic investigative journalism, which seeks to uncover truth through rigorous inquiry and balanced discourse. Instead, the interview served as a conduit for the Kremlin's disinformation efforts, lacking the depth and critical examination characteristic of insightful journalistic endeavors.

Subliminal messaging was also a feature of the interview, with Putin denying Russian territorial ambitions while subtly implicating Poland in contributing to the current geopolitical tensions. References to the situation of Hungarians in Ukraine further hinted at complex regional dynamics, suggesting broader implications for minority rights. Such comments, together with polarized views on relations with key Western countries, illustrate the Kremlin's skillful use of media to convey messages that support its geopolitical agenda.

In summary, the interview can be seen as an orchestrated effort by the Kremlin to leverage Western media for its disinformation campaigns, aimed at shaping international perceptions in favor of Russia's actions in Ukraine and its broader geopolitical strategies. This event underscores the challenges of discerning truth in a media landscape that can be manipulated by state actors with the intent to revise history and disseminate narratives that serve their interests, rather than facilitating an open and authentic exchange of ideas.


In conclusion, the interview facilitated by the Kremlin featuring a notable conservative television personality should be interpreted as a strategic media maneuver designed to sway public and political opinion. This initiative reflects Moscow's intent to shape the perceptions of Republican lawmakers in the United States by echoing narratives prevalent within Russian domestic media. Concurrently, Kremlin media strategists have extended their outreach to European audiences, capitalizing on the evolving political climate and the observable reluctance among parts of the European populace to maintain support for Ukraine, a sentiment corroborated by various surveys.

The political landscape in Europe has seen right-wing populist parties, some with pro-Russian stances, gaining electoral victories across several nations. This trend underscores the multifaceted nature of the Kremlin's media strategy, which seeks to exploit political divisions and foster narratives conducive to its interests both abroad and at home.

The domestic context of this media strategy is equally significant. Russia is on the cusp of presidential elections, where President Vladimir Putin is poised for reelection, notwithstanding the disqualification of his primary anti-war opponent. The interview with Mr. Carlson serves a dual purpose in this setting. It not only endeavors to influence international discourse but also aims to bolster President Putin's image within Russia as a global statesman adept at navigating the complex matrix of international politics. This portrayal is particularly targeted at the domestic audience, reinforcing Putin's leadership credentials and his strategic vision for Russia on the world stage, at a time when domestic support and the projection of unassailable leadership are paramount.

Advisory Notice

For those tasked with maintaining situational awareness, especially organizations and personnel operating within Ukraine, it is crucial to closely monitor events such as the aforementioned interview, despite their apparent one-sided nature and primary function of propagating the Kremlin's narrative. These media activities, while ostensibly serving as informational campaigns, may precede or coincide with kinetic actions, reinforcing their messaging with tangible military operations. Although the likelihood of such developments may seem low, the possibility of a subsequent "false-flag" operation or an escalation in conflict activities following a highly publicized media event cannot be disregarded.

This underscores the imperative for organizations and their staff in the region to remain vigilant and attentive to early threat warning systems. The integration of intelligence monitoring with an understanding of the geopolitical landscape, including the strategic use of media by state actors, is essential for anticipating potential security challenges. It is advisable for entities operating in high-risk areas to maintain a proactive stance in security planning and execution, ensuring that contingency measures are in place and that communication lines for rapid response are well established.

In summary, while media events such as this interview may primarily aim to influence public opinion and political stances, their potential to signal or accompany more aggressive actions necessitates a cautious and prepared approach by those in vulnerable regions. Organizations should continue to prioritize the safety and security of their personnel through diligent observation of the geopolitical environment and adherence to established security protocols.


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