Weekly GlobalPULSE

Weekly Report

Report dated Apr 01 24

Introduction: GlobalPULSE Weekly Report

Welcome to the GlobalPULSE Report from RileySENTINEL. This report offers critical event updates for locations where Riley Risk is actively managing risk, using data analyzed by DCDR and other data providers, refined by our Geopolitical and Security Analysis Team. Our report delivers the latest security and geopolitical insights, providing detailed country-specific assessments to enhance your risk management strategy.

The GlobalPULSE Report aims to be your trusted source for foundational insights on country-level operational risk environments and changes in risk factors, aiding you in navigating the complexities of global risks that may impact your organization’s operations, assets, and personnel. While the weekly report offers valuable insights, detailed analyses are available on demand from our skilled Geopolitical and Security Analysis team for specific countries and regions, tailored to your organizational needs. Since 2011, Riley Risk has maintained a reputation for meticulous risk management, in-depth expertise, and the development of relevant, modern strategies for complex environments. This is largely driven by our capacity to assemble talented regional and country analysts and advisors who deeply understand the environments within their respective reporting portfolios.

For in-depth, tailored analysis or to discover how we can support your operational needs with our expertise, schedule a call with the RileySENTINEL team. Set up a call here.

Integrated Risk Assessment and Reporting

Operational Risk Analysis and Weekly Reporting Method

This report integrates our operational risk assessment process with the Monitoring and Alerting Country Assessment Levels to provide a clear, concise overview of global security dynamics on a weekly basis.

Dynamic Country List & Monitoring Approach

Our team actively monitors a changing roster of countries, tailored to current responsibilities and influenced by client needs and strategic decisions. We focus on countries under our direct monitoring, ensuring a targeted approach informed by global trends and internal analyses.

Weekly Reporting Structure

  • Priority Level Updates: Specific emphasis on countries with significant security, geopolitical, and other priority level changes.

  • Scope: Our weekly reporting is designed for immediacy and relevance, focusing on concise insights for standard risk profiles over extended analysis.

Country Assessment Levels Integration

  • Each country is categorized under our Assessment & Monitoring Levels: Stable, Active WATCH, Moderate Risk, and High Risk.

  • These categories provide clarity solely on the nature and frequency of alerts, assessed risk conditions, and specific monitoring processes tailored to each risk level.

Extended Analysis Support Clients and subscribers requiring deeper analysis and reporting can request access to our specialized reports, or request a bespoke reporting effort using this link.

In conclusion, the GlobalPULSE aims to be your weekly insight routine, utilizing our approach for rigorous analysis and strategic insights, enabling you to navigate the complex tapestry of global risks.

Regional Content




Compared to the baseline, the situation in Brazil is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Brazil: This week's critical events included a historic [SOURCE] dengue fever outbreak affecting Latin America, with Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay expected to be hit hardest. Former president Jair Bolsonaro [SOURCE] [SOURCE] stayed in the Hungarian embassy after his passport was seized, prompting an investigation. The BRICS development bank [SOURCE] aims for $5 billion in loans this year. Ongoing issues of note were food inflation concerns [SOURCE], Brazil taking a nuanced stance on Venezuela's elections [SOURCE] [SOURCE], and French President Macron's visit to launch a €1 billion Amazon protection plan [SOURCE] [SOURCE] amid tensions over the EU-Mercosur trade deal [SOURCE].

Dominican Republic


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Dominican Republic is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Dominican Republic: This week's critical events included the Dominican Republic emerging as a pivotal partner in aiding Guyana's development initiatives, with President Ali highlighting the country's role in [SOURCE] bridging gaps. Additionally, talks regarding a potential petrochemical plant in the Dominican Republic remained ongoing, according to the [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the administrative leave imposed on MLB star Wander Franco amid an investigation into an alleged relationship with a minor, as reported by [SOURCE], [SOURCE], [SOURCE], and [SOURCE]. Furthermore, the flow of weapons into Haiti's gang territories remained a pressing concern, as detailed in [SOURCE].

El Salvador


Compared to the baseline, the situation in El Salvador is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for El Salvador: This week's critical events included the launch of a major security operation involving [SOURCE] 5,000 soldiers and 1,000 police officers aimed at curbing gang violence. However, human rights groups like Amnesty International have raised concerns, accusing the government of [SOURCE] replacing gang violence with state violence through harsh crackdowns. Ongoing issues of note were the lasting impacts of the government's two-year campaign against street gangs, which has reportedly [SOURCE] crushed gang activity but at a high human cost. Unrelated news from Baltimore, USA, about a bridge collapse that claimed the lives of two fathers, was included in the provided stories but is not directly relevant to the situation in El Salvador.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Guatemala is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Guatemala: This week's critical events included the Guatemalan president's stance on U.S. immigration policies and border walls, where he advocated for increased investment to address root causes rather than physical barriers, stating migrants have a "right to move" [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Another major story was the final conviction of three defendants involved in the 2018 abduction of two children by the Lev Tahor cult in Guatemala [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the aftermath and recovery efforts following the tragic Baltimore bridge collapse that claimed the lives of six Guatemalan construction workers [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Guyana is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Guyana: This week's critical events included heightened scrutiny over Guyana's oil and gas industry, with the BBC [SOURCE] interrogating ExxonMobil about the country's allegedly lopsided contract terms. Guyana's President Ali strongly pushed back against perceived Western hypocrisy, accusing reporters of bias in their climate change criticism given reliance on exported oil ([SOURCE]). Environmental concerns over resource extraction were raised, with Mongabay highlighting [SOURCE] the sector's potential liabilities. Domestic issues included a tragic road accident [SOURCE], concerns over corruption ([SOURCE]), and national security questions [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were balancing economic development with environmental preservation ([SOURCE]) and shoring up coastal defenses against sea level rise ([SOURCE]).



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Jamaica is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Jamaica: This week's critical events included a tragic incident where a police officer was fatally shot during a traffic stop by a suspect with a lengthy criminal record [SOURCE][SOURCE][SOURCE]. Additionally, a student was robbed and stabbed at a championships event, sustaining a liver injury [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the recognition of Women's Day by organizations celebrating female members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force [SOURCE], concerns over the handling of abuse allegations at a leadership academy [SOURCE], the deployment of Canadian troops to train CARICOM forces in Jamaica [SOURCE], and an analysis of Jamaica's economic growth and its impact on climate action [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Mexico is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Mexico: This week's critical events included a significant drug bust as [SOURCE] nearly 3,000 pounds of methamphetamine were found in a carrot shipment at the U.S.-Mexico border. Legal battles persist regarding [SOURCE] Mexico's lawsuit against Arizona gun dealers, which a U.S. judge allowed to proceed, and [SOURCE] Texas' controversial immigration law SB4 faced ongoing legal challenges. Wildfires raged across [SOURCE] nearly half of Mexico's drought-stricken states. Ongoing issues of note were trade tensions, as [SOURCE] Mexico attempted to balance U.S.-China trade through new steel tariffs and [SOURCE] experts backed Mexico's ban on genetically modified corn amid a U.S. trade dispute. Migration remained a pressing concern with [SOURCE] increases in migrants trying to cross farther west, [SOURCE] thousands set to arrive in an El Paso-bound caravan, and [SOURCE] Venezuelans increasingly stranded in Mexico contributing to a decline in illegal U.S. crossings.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Nicaragua is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Nicaragua: This week's critical events included the Nicaraguan government's move to ban Christian activities during Holy Week while organizing secular fashion shows instead, signaling an escalation in the regime's crackdown on religious freedom and civil liberties [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the authoritarian drift in Nicaragua as President Ortega consolidates power and suppresses dissent, raising concerns about democratic backsliding and human rights abuses [SOURCE]. The Nicaraguan government's decision to prohibit traditional Christian celebrations during the Holy Week while endorsing secular events highlights the growing tensions between the Ortega regime and the Catholic Church, a historically influential institution in the country. This move is seen as an affront to religious freedom and a concerning attempt to undermine the Church's role in society, reflecting the administration's broader authoritarian tendencies. The crackdown on religious activities is part of a broader pattern of democratic erosion in Nicaragua, where the Ortega government has consolidated control, silenced opposition voices, and curtailed fundamental civil liberties. Concerns over human rights violations and the absence of checks and balances on executive power continue to mount, straining Nicaragua's relations with the international community. As the situation in Nicaragua evolves, it will be crucial to monitor developments closely and advocate for the restoration of democratic norms, the protection of human rights, and the safeguarding of religious and civil liberties in the country.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Paraguay is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Here is a draft weekly news summary for Paraguay, based on the provided news headlines: Weekly News Summary for Paraguay: This week's critical events included the government announcing a $1 billion drought aid package for farmers impacted by extreme dry conditions [SOURCE]. Protests erupted in Asunción over a controversial new binational treaty with Brazil governing border waterways [SOURCE]. Additionally, opposition figures denounced the potential privatization of state utility companies [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were simmering tensions with Argentina over contested territories along the Pilcomayo River [SOURCE], as well as concerns over deforestation and Indigenous land rights in the Chaco region [SOURCE]. The country also grappled with elevated inflation impacting consumer prices [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Peru is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Peru: This week's critical events included authorities raiding President Dina Boluarte's residence as part of an investigation into undeclared luxury watches, including Rolex timepieces ([SOURCE], [SOURCE]). There were also reports of flooding in the Amazon region destroying Indigenous agroforestry projects ([SOURCE]). On the business front, Korean shipbuilder HD Hyundai secured a $463 million warship order from Peru ([SOURCE]). Ongoing issues of note were human trafficking, with a married couple and two men in Malaysia claiming trial for trafficking Malaysian women to Peru ([SOURCE]).



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Venezuela is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Venezuela: This week's critical events included allegations of a failed assassination attempt against President Maduro during a rally in Caracas, as reported by [SOURCE]. Additionally, Maduro formally registered his candidacy for the upcoming presidential elections, while the main opposition coalition faced obstacles in registering their candidate, Freddy Superlano, [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the international condemnation of the electoral obstacles faced by the opposition, with the US [SOURCE], Brazil [SOURCE], and France [SOURCE] expressing concerns. There were also reports of power outages at the Argentine embassy after granting asylum to opposition leaders [SOURCE]. Amidst these developments, the opposition sought to rebuild and unite behind an alternative candidate [SOURCE].

Asia Pacific



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Bangladesh is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Bangladesh: This week's critical events included the commemoration of Bangladesh's Independence Day, marked by a Google Doodle celebrating the occasion and recognition from world leaders like China's Xi Jinping, who highlighted the solid political trust between the two nations. The United States also reaffirmed its partnership with Bangladesh on critical issues. Tragically, multiple Bangladeshi civilians were killed by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) in separate border incidents, causing outrage and condemnation from the government and opposition parties like the BNP. Ongoing issues of note were the strengthening of economic and defense ties with regional partners like Qatar, whose Emir's visit is expected to yield new agreements on defense and energy cooperation. Bangladesh's environmental challenges, including air pollution and the threat of toxic contamination of water resources, were also highlighted by various reports and government statements emphasizing the need for expediting environmental policies. Lastly, incidents of violence and unrest, such as the killing of a forest officer, while attempting to stop illegal logging, and student protests against student political groups on university campuses, underscored ongoing law and order challenges within the country.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Cambodia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Cambodia: This week's critical events included intensified concerns over human trafficking and cyber scams throughout Southeast Asia, as highlighted by an [SOURCE] from Interpol warning that the illicit trade has escalated into a global crisis. India's Ministry of External Affairs reported [SOURCE] rescuing 250 nationals lured into cyber fraud activities in Cambodia through fake job offers. A trial exposed a [SOURCE] monkey-laundering operation, while residents disputed a [SOURCE] land dispute resolution. Ongoing issues of note were defense ties between [SOURCE] China and Cambodia, discussions on [SOURCE] economic cooperation with South Korea, and concerns over a new [SOURCE] environment code's impact on indigenous rights.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Fiji is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Fiji: This week's critical events included a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake that jolted the capital city of Suva, rattling the nation and prompting concerns over potential damage and casualties. [SOURCE] [SOURCE] Additionally, the Fijian government ordered the expulsion of Chinese police officers from the country, asserting that their presence was unnecessary within the Pacific police force. [SOURCE] Ongoing issues of note were the impending severe weather conditions that Fiji is bracing for, with forecasts indicating another round of extreme meteorological events. [SOURCE] Furthermore, the country's former Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, faced legal consequences for corruption charges, initially facing the possibility of up to five years in jail. However, in a surprising turn of events, both Bainimarama and the suspended police chief, Sitiveni Qiliho, ultimately avoided jail time despite being found guilty. [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE]



Compared to the baseline, the situation in India is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for India: This week's critical events included opposition unity over the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, with the INDIA bloc holding a major 'Loktantra Bachao' (Save Democracy) rally in the capital [SOURCE]. Kejriwal's wife attended and read out his letter promising six guarantees if the INDIA alliance comes to power [SOURCE]. PM Modi hit back at the opposition, accusing Congress of past 'misdoings' [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were tensions with China over Arunachal Pradesh, which India firmly refuted Chinese claims over [SOURCE], as well as India's engagement with the Taliban, which the US said it was unfazed by [SOURCE]. Domestically, India is outpacing renewable energy adoption [SOURCE] but concerns were raised about overhyping economic growth [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Indonesia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Indonesia: This week's critical events included the possible rediscovery of the long-extinct Javan tiger in Indonesia's jungles, sparking excitement and caution as officials [SOURCE] seek more evidence. However, concerning reports of human rights abuses emerged, with 13 soldiers [SOURCE] arrested over a torture video in Papua, and a UN panel expressing concerns over [SOURCE] extrajudicial killings in the region. Economic developments included plans for new industrial projects like [SOURCE] a battery plant and proposals to bury carbon emissions underground. Tragic events also unfolded, with landslides claiming lives and a massive fire erupting [SOURCE] at an ammunition depot. Ongoing issues of note were legal challenges to election results, Jakarta's changing status as the capital relocates, and infrastructure initiatives like the proposed [SOURCE] Trans Borneo Railway aiming to boost regional connectivity.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Maldives is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Maldives: This week's critical events included an Indian healthcare company investing in medical device manufacturing and R&D in India [SOURCE], China donating 1,500 tonnes of glacial water from Tibet to alleviate water crisis in Maldives [SOURCE], and the Maldives government refusing to reveal details of an agreement with India regarding troop repatriation [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were China's increasing engagement with Maldives through water aid amid the climate crisis [SOURCE], allegations by the Maldives president that his predecessor acted on orders from a foreign ambassador [SOURCE], and tensions between India and the U.S. over criticism of India's human rights and democracy record [SOURCE].

Marshall Islands


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Marshall Islands is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Marshall Islands: This week's critical events included the resurfacing of America's controversial nuclear war strategy from the 1960s, which involved targeting the Marshall Islands with nuclear weapons during a potential conflict with the Soviet Union, raising ethical concerns and highlighting the lingering consequences of nuclear testing in the region [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the Marshall Islands' continued efforts to seek justice and compensation for the environmental and health impacts of nuclear testing conducted by the United States during the Cold War era [SOURCE], as well as the vulnerability of the low-lying islands to the effects of climate change and rising sea levels [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Myanmar is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Myanmar: This week's critical events included Myanmar's military junta chief calling for unity while blaming foreign powers and rebel groups for election delays, stating the military is holding power "temporarily" to strengthen democracy [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. The junta held its annual Armed Forces Day parade amid unprecedented battlefield losses against ethnic rebel groups [SOURCE]. Meanwhile, a UN probe found Myanmar's army behind Facebook pages spreading hate speech against Rohingya [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the surrender of 90 junta soldiers to rebel forces [SOURCE], concerns over deportation risks for stateless children in Thailand [SOURCE], India's plans to build a $3.7 billion border fence with Myanmar [SOURCE], and China's attempts to maintain influence amid the worsening civil war [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Nepal is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Nepal: This week's critical events included a meeting between the Indian Ambassador and Nepal's Home Minister to discuss security and border crimes [SOURCE], as well as the temporary disappearance of the daughter of a Nepali mayor during a meditation retreat in Goa, India, who was later found at a hotel [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the death of a British citizen in the recent Nepal plane crash [SOURCE], a Romanian winemaker's plans to hire Nepali workers [SOURCE], Chinese companies setting tunneling records in Nepal [SOURCE], debates over rhino relocation and hotel development in national parks [SOURCE][SOURCE], India renewing an electricity export agreement with Nepal [SOURCE], and the alleged kidnapping of a 9-year-old child [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Pakistan is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Pakistan: This week's critical events included a deadly suicide attack targeting Chinese nationals in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 5 Chinese and one Pakistani [SOURCE] and halted work on two projects [SOURCE], raising concerns about the security of Chinese investments and nationals in Pakistan. The Balochistan Liberation Army claimed responsibility for a separate attack on Pakistan's second-largest naval base [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were tensions with India, as New Delhi skipped Pakistan's national day celebration [SOURCE], and Pakistan's proposed gas pipeline with Iran, which the U.S. warned could lead to sanctions [SOURCE]. Domestically, Pakistan announced a probe into alleged army meddling in the judiciary [SOURCE], while facing issues like unsafe conditions killing Christian sewer workers [SOURCE]. Regionally, Pakistan reiterated support for Kashmir [SOURCE] and joined calls for implementing the recent UN Gaza ceasefire resolution [SOURCE].

Papua New Guinea


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Papua New Guinea is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Papua New Guinea: This week's critical events included an outbreak of violence in the Highlands region that left several dead, highlighted by clashes between warring tribes in Hela Province [SOURCE]. Economic challenges emerged with the national currency hitting record lows against the US dollar [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were climate change's mounting threats, with coastal communities facing relocation due to rising sea levels [SOURCE], and political instability reflected in Prime Minister Marape surviving a no-confidence vote amidst allegations of corruption [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Philippines is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Philippines: This week's critical events in the Philippines included escalating tensions with China over maritime disputes in the South China Sea. The Philippines condemned [SOURCE] alleged recent "attacks" by China and vowed to take proportionate countermeasures to uphold its sovereignty. India firmly voiced support for the Philippines' position, with Foreign Minister Jaishankar stating [SOURCE] India backs the Philippines in upholding its national sovereignty amid the maritime row. The U.S. also reaffirmed its commitment to the Philippines, criticizing China's "dangerous" actions [SOURCE]. Domestic issues of note included the Philippine government's plan for up to $10.4 billion in domestic borrowing in Q2 [SOURCE], as well as the indictment of alleged communist rebels on financing terrorism charges [SOURCE]. The Philippines also took steps towards sustainable development, with a firm being named the 2024 Energy Globe Award winner [SOURCE]. Notably, the country's observance of Holy Week saw religious rituals like crucifixions and self-flagellation among devotees [SOURCE]. The Philippines was also highlighted as having the highest disaster risk worldwide, according to an OECD report [SOURCE].

Solomon Islands


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Solomon Islands is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Solomon Islands: This week's critical events included protests and riots rocking the capital Honiara, with a controversial 36-year-old decision to switch diplomatic ties from Taiwan to China [SOURCE]. The unrest prompted the government to impose a curfew and call for help from international peacekeepers [SOURCE]. Underlying tensions over the Pacific nation's increasing ties with China also fueled the protests [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were concerns over the potential establishment of a Chinese military base in the Solomons under a recent security pact [SOURCE], which the US has warned could destabilize the region [SOURCE]. The riots underscored simmering domestic challenges, such as endemic poverty, unemployment, and inter-island rivalries that have contributed to a fragile political environment [SOURCE].

Sri Lanka


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Sri Lanka is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Sri Lanka: This week's critical events included a 50 basis point reduction in policy rates by Sri Lanka's central bank to boost economic growth [SOURCE], the announcement of a 40% increase in the minimum wage [SOURCE], and reports of the Sri Lankan economy recording 4.5% growth in Q4 2023 [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were disputes over the Katchatheevu island between India and Sri Lanka [SOURCE] [SOURCE], tensions between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka over the treatment of Indian fishermen [SOURCE], Sri Lanka's potential deportation of three convicted killers linked to Rajiv Gandhi's assassination [SOURCE], China's assurances of supporting Sri Lanka's debt restructuring [SOURCE] and plans to develop strategic infrastructure like Hambantota port [SOURCE], and Sri Lanka's confidence in meeting IMF conditions for funding soon [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Thailand is assessed as: more calm than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Thailand: This week's critical events included Thailand moving closer to legalizing same-sex marriage as its parliament overwhelmingly passed a landmark bill allowing legal marriage between couples regardless of gender [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were discussions around granting rights and equal treatment to LGBTQ+ individuals [SOURCE], managing relations with Myanmar amid concerns over aiding the junta [SOURCE] [SOURCE], boosting tourism through potential casino legalization [SOURCE] [SOURCE], and reviving economic ties with nations like the US [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Vietnam is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Vietnam: This week's critical events included escalating tensions with China over maritime sovereignty in the [SOURCE] Gulf of Tonkin, where Vietnam objected to China's expanded presence. Additionally, the nation reported a robust [SOURCE] 5.66% GDP growth in Q1 2024, driven by strong exports. On the diplomatic front, Vietnam's party chief extended an invitation to Russian President Putin to visit [SOURCE], while simultaneously strengthening ties with the U.S. through discussions on semiconductor cooperation [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the potential impacts of Vietnam's leadership turmoil, with officials reassuring that economic [SOURCE] and foreign policies remain stable. Environmental concerns arose after a ship collision threatened to spill oil in a marine conservation zone [SOURCE], while the World Bank highlighted Vietnam's need for $9 billion in water infrastructure investments [SOURCE].

Europe & Eurasia



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Albania is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Albania: This week's critical events included the ongoing challenges posed by the Balkan migration route, as evidenced by reports of migrants risking drug addiction along the perilous journey [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the broader humanitarian crisis unfolding across the region, with vulnerable individuals facing exploitation and hazardous conditions while seeking refuge or economic opportunities. The challenges highlighted by this story underscore the complex geopolitical landscape in the Balkans, where porous borders, entrenched smuggling networks, and economic disparities converge. As migration flows persist, Albania finds itself grappling with the fallout, both domestically and in its relations with neighboring countries and the broader European Union. While this week's coverage centered around the human toll of the migration crisis, underlying themes of transnational organized crime, economic instability, and regional cooperation in addressing shared challenges remain ever-present. Ongoing monitoring of these interrelated issues will be crucial for policymakers and analysts seeking to formulate effective, sustainable solutions that uphold human rights and regional stability.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Armenia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Armenia: This week's critical events included increased tensions between Armenia and Russia over Armenia's bid to strengthen ties with the EU and US. The Russian Foreign Ministry warned of an anti-Russian bias in Armenia's meetings with the EU and US, and voiced concerns that visa-free travel between Armenia and the EU could trigger a brain drain. Russia's Lavrov also accused the EU mission in Armenia of morphing into a NATO mission and said Armenia's bid to wreck relations with Russia is misguided. Ongoing issues of note were the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, with both sides agreeing on principles of a peace agreement, though tensions flared with accusations of troop movements near the border which Armenia slammed. Azerbaijan's MoD vowed to suppress any military provocations. The Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis was also commemorated. Meanwhile, Armenia signaled a shift towards closer US and EU ties despite acknowledging problems in Armenian-Russian relations.

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Bosnia and Herzegovina: This week's critical events included ongoing tensions surrounding the country's political future and the threat of obstruction from the Republika Srpska leadership. Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb member of the tripartite presidency, issued a warning that he would work to block decisions by the central government, escalating the long-running debate over the balance of powers between Bosnia's ethnic entities and national institutions [SOURCE]. Dodik's stance underscores the fragility of Bosnia's governance framework and the entrenched divisions that have hindered progress. Simultaneously, international observers emphasized the imperative for further reforms to strengthen state institutions and advance Bosnia's bid for eventual EU membership [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the enduring ethnic tensions fueling secessionist sentiments, as well as the need for constitutional changes and anti-corruption measures to bolster democracy and rule of law.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Finland is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Finland: This week's critical events included mounting international tensions with China, as evidenced by the U.S. and U.K. levying charges and sanctions against a Chinese hacking operation targeting allied nations and entities [SOURCE]. Meanwhile, Finland continued to solidify its reputation as a bastion of contentment and wellbeing, offering a second free "happiness masterclass" to share its secrets with the world [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were Finland's role in navigating escalating geopolitical rivalries between major powers, balanced against its commitment to promoting progressive social policies and quality of life for its citizens. The nation's response to cybersecurity threats and its stance on digital sovereignty will be closely watched, even as it looks inward to foster national wellbeing through innovative initiatives like the happiness curriculum.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in France is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for France: This week's critical events included France pledging to deliver 78 howitzers [SOURCE] and hundreds of armored vehicles [SOURCE] to aid Ukraine's defense against Russia's invasion. France also raised its terror alert level [SOURCE] after a deadly shooting in Moscow and deployed 4,000 additional troops [SOURCE] nationwide amid security concerns preceding the 2024 Paris Olympics. Ongoing issues of note were France seeking international support [SOURCE] to bolster Olympics security, debates over restricting unemployment benefits [SOURCE], and a bill passed banning hair discrimination [SOURCE] against minorities.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Greece is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Greece: This week's critical events included a positive outlook for tourism with a 16% increase in tourist traffic in January 2024 and a more than doubled year-on-year travel balance surplus. However, political turmoil arose as the opposition party sought to bring down the government over its handling of a 2023 rail disaster, leading to a no-confidence motion that the conservative government ultimately survived. On the social front, concerning data on suicides in Greece from 2010-2023 was released. Geopolitical tensions flared with clashes between police and protesters demonstrating against a U.S. military cadet concert. Natural events included two moderately strong earthquakes striking southern Greece, though no injuries or damage were reported. Ongoing issues of note were Greece putting its older F-16s and Mirage 2000s up for sale, plans to raise the minimum wage to 950 euros by 2027, and lifting the price of the popular Golden Visa to combat the housing crisis.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Kyrgyzstan is assessed as: more calm than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Kyrgyzstan: This week's critical events included Russia's allegations of Ukrainian involvement in the Moscow concert hall attack, which Kyrgyzstan warned could lead to recruitment attempts for terrorist activities targeting its citizens in Russia [SOURCE]. Meanwhile, the arrest of former Kyrgyz customs official Raimbek Matraimov on corruption charges was seen as a significant development [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the potential expansion of Russia's Rosatom wind power project in Kyrgyzstan [SOURCE], concerns over nuclear power plant construction and uranium mining risks [SOURCE], and efforts to attract Pakistani investment in the pharmaceutical and textile sectors [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Poland is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Poland: This week's critical events included escalating tensions between Poland and Russia over the Ukraine conflict, with the Polish government dismissing the Russian ambassador's summons [SOURCE] and investigating alleged Russian espionage activities [SOURCE]. Poland also expressed concerns about potential provocations near the Belarusian border during military exercises [SOURCE]. Domestically, the ruling coalition moved to put the central bank governor on trial [SOURCE], and raids were conducted on the former justice minister's home [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the dispute with Ukraine over regulating food imports to appease protesting farmers [SOURCE], [SOURCE], with progress reported towards an agreement [SOURCE]. Additionally, Poland dismissed a NATO-EU battlegroup commander amid a counterintelligence probe [SOURCE], while qualifying for Euro 2024 with a dramatic penalty shootout win over Wales [SOURCE]. Concerns were raised about Europe's readiness for potential war by Polish leaders [SOURCE], [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Serbia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Serbia: This week's critical events included rising tensions with Kosovo, as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned of [SOURCE] 'difficult days' ahead, potentially related to [SOURCE] Kosovo's bid to join the Council of Europe. Concerns also grew over Serbia's military neutrality and ties with Russia amid pressure from the West [SOURCE]. Domestically, a university was [SOURCE] blockaded by protesters, while journalists faced [SOURCE] death threats. On the economic front, the EBRD backed a [SOURCE] $101 million windfarm project. Ongoing issues of note were the political crisis in neighboring Bulgaria heading toward [SOURCE] its sixth election in three years, and renewed scrutiny over NATO's [SOURCE] bombing campaign in Serbia amid concerns over depleted uranium use. Broader regional tensions also simmered, with fears growing over potential conflicts in [SOURCE] Bosnia and Republika Srpska.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Sweden is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Sweden: This week's critical events included major job cuts at telecom giant Ericsson, with the company announcing plans to [SOURCE] lay off 1,200 employees and reduce facilities amid lower sales. The country's economic confidence reached an [SOURCE] 18-month high, while the central bank held its key interest rate at 4.00% [SOURCE], and the trade surplus grew in February [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the plans of the Iraqi man behind Quran-burning rallies to [SOURCE] seek asylum in Norway after facing expulsion from Sweden, as well as reports of Ukrainian losses of Swedish-donated tanks [SOURCE] amid the ongoing conflict. Sweden's impending accession to NATO marked a shift from its traditional neutrality stance [SOURCE], with implications for its Baltic Sea strategy. The country also prepared for high-security Eurovision festivities amidst the spotlight on Gaza [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Ukraine is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Ukraine: This week's critical events included Russia intensifying missile and drone attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, causing power outages across multiple regions [SOURCE]. The conflict was portrayed by Russia as part of a wider confrontation with the West [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the debates around providing Ukraine with advanced weapons like F-16 fighter jets and long-range missiles, which prompted stark warnings from Putin [SOURCE]. There were also doubts expressed about Ukraine's prospects if the war drags on [SOURCE], and discussions on reaching a peaceful settlement continued [SOURCE]. Meanwhile, Ukraine celebrated qualifying for Euro 2024 as a morale boost amid the ongoing conflict [SOURCE].

United Kingdom


Compared to the baseline, the situation in United Kingdom is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for United Kingdom: This week's critical events included heightened tensions between the UK and China over alleged cyber attacks targeting democratic institutions and infrastructure. The U.S. and UK [SOURCE] imposed sanctions on a Chinese hacking group accused of compromising election systems. The Chinese Embassy [SOURCE] rejected the accusations of state-sponsored hacking. Ongoing judicial proceedings surrounding WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's potential extradition to the U.S. saw a British court [SOURCE] grant more time for appeals. Ongoing issues of note were the economic challenges facing the UK, with GDP [SOURCE] dropping in Q4 despite a surge [SOURCE] in car production. Diplomatic efforts continued, with the President of Pakistan [SOURCE] seeking stronger UK ties. The UK also explored transitioning oil rigs [SOURCE] to green energy. Meanwhile, Ukraine's President replaced [SOURCE] a top security advisor amid the ongoing conflict.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Uzbekistan is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Uzbekistan: This week's critical events included Uzbekistan's first tech unicorn with the superapp Uzum [SOURCE], discussions on cooperation with South Korea in critical raw materials [SOURCE] [SOURCE], and progress in negotiations with Russia's Rosatom on nuclear power plant construction [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were persistent labor rights violations in the country [SOURCE], recognition of mosaics on buildings as cultural heritage sites [SOURCE], Uzbekistan's economic reforms attracting investment [SOURCE], and an alleged attack on Tajik migrants by Moscow police [SOURCE].

Middle East & North Africa



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Iraq is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Iraq: This week's critical events included heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran over the delayed extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the U.S. [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] Iran and Iraq also agreed to expedite development of shared oil fields [SOURCE] and extended their gas export contract for 5 years. [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] Ongoing issues of note were concerns over the U.S. presence in Iraq [SOURCE] [SOURCE], Hezbollah's rocket strikes on Israel [SOURCE], Russia's opposition to making Iraq an arena for conflict [SOURCE], reflections on the Battle of Nasiriyah [SOURCE], and Iraqi Christians canceling Easter celebrations. [SOURCE]



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Israel is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Israel: This week's critical events included escalating violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, with Israel conducting airstrikes [SOURCE] despite a UN ceasefire resolution. Tensions were further fueled by a US diplomatic spat [SOURCE] and accusations by a UN expert of Israeli genocide in Gaza [SOURCE]. Hezbollah also launched rocket attacks from Lebanon, drawing Israeli retaliation [SOURCE]. The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to facilitate humanitarian aid to Gaza [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the Biden administration's decision to transfer bombs and jets to Israel [SOURCE], despite criticism, and stalled ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Jordan is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Jordan: This week's critical events included heightened tensions and clashes between protesters and security forces at the Israeli Embassy in Jordan over the escalating Gaza situation [SOURCE]. Airdropped humanitarian aid to Gaza from the UK [SOURCE] and Spain [SOURCE] aimed to alleviate the worsening crisis. A shooting attack on a school bus and cars in the Jordan Valley [SOURCE] left 3 Israelis wounded, with the gunman initially fleeing before surrendering [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were rising domestic unrest in Jordan over the Gaza conflict [SOURCE], amplified by pro-Iran media [SOURCE], as well as Israel's largest land seizure since the Oslo Accords [SOURCE] exacerbating Palestinian statehood tensions.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Lebanon is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Lebanon: This week's critical events included an escalation of violence between Israel and Hezbollah, with Israeli airstrikes hitting targets in Lebanon, including alleged Hezbollah military sites and weapons facilities [SOURCE]. Hezbollah retaliated by firing rockets into northern Israel [SOURCE], resulting in civilian casualties on both sides [SOURCE]. Clashes escalated further with a deadly Israeli strike that reportedly killed over a dozen people in southern Lebanon, including paramedics [SOURCE]. Israel claimed it assassinated a senior Hezbollah commander [SOURCE]. The violence raised fears of a broader conflict erupting [SOURCE]. A UN peacekeeping vehicle was struck, injuring observers [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were Lebanon's fragile sectarian balance being tested amid the hostilities [SOURCE], and concerns over the humanitarian and political consequences of a prolonged Israel-Hezbollah conflict [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Libya is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Libya: This week's critical events included the suspension of Libya's Oil Minister Oun pending investigation into alleged corruption and mismanagement of the country's oil sector, as reported by RigZone and Financial Post. The hostage situation involving three Bangladeshi nationals held captive in Libya as reported by The Daily Star raised concerns about security conditions in the country. On the diplomatic front, the United Nations imposed additional sanctions on individuals and entities linked to the ongoing Libyan conflict according to the Hong Kong Government News. In a positive development, Turkish Airlines resumed flights to Libya after a decade-long hiatus, signaling improving stability and economic prospects in the region. Ongoing issues of note were the fragile security situation, with the hostage crisis highlighting the continued risks faced by foreign nationals operating in Libya, as well as concerns over corruption and mismanagement within the country's vital oil industry, which is crucial for economic recovery and stability.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Sudan is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Sudan: This week's critical events included a dire hunger crisis with reports indicating that up to 230,000 children and mothers could die in the coming months due to acute malnutrition and famine-like conditions across multiple regions of Sudan [SOURCE]. The UN and other international organizations have called for immediate action to avert widespread death and suffering [SOURCE]. Ongoing political instability and economic turmoil in South Sudan also raise concerns over potential oil disruptions, which could further exacerbate the fragile humanitarian situation [SOURCE]. Reports highlighted the compounding crises of conflict, drought, and food insecurity affecting children across Sudan and the wider region [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Syria is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Syria: This week's critical events included escalating Israeli airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias and forces in Syria, resulting in numerous casualties. Israel conducted one of its deadliest raids in months near Aleppo, reportedly killing over 30 Syrian soldiers and allied militiamen including Hezbollah members. Another alleged Israeli strike activated Syrian air defenses. The strikes aimed to degrade Iran's military presence in Syria. Meanwhile, a car bomb attack in a market in Azaz left at least 7 dead. The U.S. also conducted airstrikes in eastern Syria targeting Iranian-backed militias, killing Iranian personnel and a WHO staff member. Ongoing issues of note were the persistent presence of Iranian proxies like Hezbollah supporting the Assad regime despite Israeli strikes, sporadic ISIS attacks like one killing 8 Syrian soldiers, and Russia's continued violation of Syrian airspace.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Tunisia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Tunisia: This week's critical events included the upcoming trial of a Tunisian journalist accused of insulting a public official [SOURCE] [SOURCE], and a landmark court ruling sentencing four individuals to death and two to life in prison for the 2013 assassination of politician Chokri Belaid [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were concerns over press freedom and the pursuit of accountability for political violence [SOURCE], as well as bilateral relations between Tunisia and Syria [SOURCE].

Sub-Saharan Africa

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Compared to the baseline, the situation in Democratic Republic of the Congo is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Democratic Republic of the Congo: This week's critical events included a worrying mpox outbreak with a potentially deadlier strain [SOURCE], the toxic toll of the global cobalt rush on communities near DRC mines [SOURCE], and a deteriorating security situation in the mineral-rich east as a rebel group expands its territory [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the displacement of civilians due to fighting between Congolese forces and M23 rebels [SOURCE], a doubling of mpox infections worldwide compared to last year [SOURCE], and the detention of a Zimbabwean trucker in DRC [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Ethiopia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Ethiopia: This week's critical events included an alarming report of a potential genocide unfolding in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, as detailed in [SOURCE]. Additionally, Ethiopia faced a severe malaria outbreak, with [SOURCE] reporting 3.2 million cases in just eight months. Ongoing issues of note were regional tensions within Somalia, as the semi-autonomous region of Puntland [SOURCE] refused to recognize the federal government after disputed constitutional changes, highlighting the complex dynamics and instability in the Horn of Africa region.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Guinea is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Guinea: This week's critical events included potential legal repercussions for a logging company in neighboring Papua New Guinea, drawing attention to environmental concerns in the region. Meanwhile, Russia expressed interest in strengthening economic ties with Guinea, signaling geopolitical maneuvering amid global tensions. [SOURCE] [SOURCE] Ongoing issues of note were the legacy of natural resource exploitation and its environmental toll, as well as Guinea's strategic positioning amidst major power rivalries. [SOURCE] [SOURCE]



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Mali is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Mali: This week's critical events included increased engagement between Mali's Interim President Assimi Goïta and Russian leadership, signaling a potential strengthening of ties between the two nations. Notably, Goïta expressed gratitude for free wheat supplies from Russia during a [SOURCE] phone call with President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders also discussed [SOURCE] steps to bolster bilateral relations further. Meanwhile, Russia condemned [SOURCE] Western political pressure on Mali, characterizing it as unacceptable. Ongoing issues of note were Mali's transitional government facing scrutiny from the international community amid shifting geopolitical allegiances, as evidenced by Russia's vocal support for the interim regime [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Nigeria is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Nigeria: This week's critical events included high-profile cases of terrorism, religious violence, and regulatory crackdowns that underscore Nigeria's ongoing security and economic challenges. The Nigerian government [SOURCE] [SOURCE] pressed charges against Binance after an executive fled custody, reflecting intensifying regulatory scrutiny on crypto platforms. Meanwhile, unrest persisted with [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] herdsmen attacks killing several Christians, and [SOURCE] ISIS calls for attacks against Christians and Jews during Ramadan, exacerbating sectarian tensions. The fight against Boko Haram was impeded by [SOURCE] intelligence lapses, leading to the contentious decision to [SOURCE] [SOURCE] free hundreds of suspects due to lack of evidence. Ongoing issues of note were economic strains, with the Central Bank raising [SOURCE] [SOURCE] [SOURCE] interest rates to 24.75% to tackle soaring inflation, while the government [SOURCE] restructured economic management amid rising hardship. Resource pressures loomed as climate change [SOURCE] threatened cocoa production, and new mining laws [SOURCE] aimed to boost domestic processing.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Senegal is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Senegal: This week's critical events included the stunning victory of opposition leader Bassirou Diomaye Faye in Senegal's presidential election, winning over 54% of the vote and pledging to fight corruption and be a break from the establishment [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. The high youth turnout was cited as a key factor in Faye's success [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were the expectations for Faye to deliver jobs and economic opportunities for Senegal's youth [SOURCE], while investors expressed wariness over his potentially radical policies [SOURCE]. The historic election was hailed as a victory for democracy by outgoing President Sall [SOURCE], allowing a peaceful transition of power despite regional instability [SOURCE].



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Tanzania is assessed as: consistent with the baseline assessment

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Tanzania: This week's critical events included escalating geopolitical tensions as the U.S. warned Russia about a potential extremist attack, though adversaries often disregard such warnings, as indicated by [SOURCE]. On the military front, the Indian Army successfully test-fired its Akash missile system, bolstering its defense capabilities [SOURCE]. While these events occurred outside Tanzania's borders, they highlight the region's complex geopolitical landscape and the need for vigilance against extremist threats and military readiness.



Compared to the baseline, the situation in Zambia is assessed as: more turbulent than usual

Weekly Country Update:

Weekly News Summary for Zambia: This week's critical events included a major drug bust by the Drug Enforcement Commission, seizing 1.89 tonnes of marijuana and arresting 17 drug ring leaders [SOURCE]. Airtel Zambia hit a milestone of 10 million customers [SOURCE], while the government outlined priorities after reaching a debt restructuring deal, having renegotiated 75% of the nation's debt [SOURCE] [SOURCE]. Ongoing issues of note were road safety concerns ahead of the 4D holiday [SOURCE], fuel price comparisons with neighboring countries [SOURCE], and irregularities uncovered in petroleum procurement amounting to over $1bn and K400m [SOURCE]. Additionally, illegal fuel vending crackdowns [SOURCE], a shooting incident involving a clinical officer [SOURCE], calls for a sinking fund [SOURCE], and criticism over the President's holiday plans amid a crisis [SOURCE] were prominent issues.

As we conclude this week's Global Pulse Report, we hope the insightful summaries provided have been valuable in enhancing your situational awareness and supporting your operational risk management decisions. For organizations requiring more detailed security insights, reporting, or assessment support for these and other global locations, Riley Risk stands ready to assist.

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